It is not for nothing that the Danube Delta is also called “Fishermen’s Paradise”. In the clean waters of the Delta, you will find a wealth of carps, perch and other similar creatures. Moreover, when you come fishing in the Delta, you also enjoy an incomparable view, which will make your vacation a unique experience.
Our guesthouse provides you with easy and fast access to the lakes, ponds and canals of the Delta, all full of perch, catfish, pikeperch, pike, carp and crucian carp (among many others). Delta is the ideal destination both for those looking to fish stationary and for those eager for an intense game of pike fishing.
It is said that you cannot call yourself a real fisherman if you have not yet fished in the Danube Delta, and we tend to agree. Our fishing enthusiasts return from the water changed. Subtly, their features are refined in those of a true fisherman. Their sun-kissed shoulders seem to acquire a second coat of experience. And they? Well, our fishermen return with their eyes on the adventures of the day just set, and eager to return to the water with the next sunrise.
Once you have fished in the Delta, it will become a secret place to return to for the rest of your life. But that will be seen along the way. For now, a relaxing day of fishing will send you home with an impressive and very generous catch, which you will be able to boast in front of friends!